

Help with instructing staff
Once the GHS Regulation comes into force in the EU, substances and mixtures can be sold with the new label. A double label is not permitted, but the old label must also be included in the safety data sheet until 31 May 2015.
Your staff should be made aware of the upcoming changes in advance if possible. You can already begin to use the GHS converter to determine the anticipated GHS label for the chemicals you use and show your staff examples of new labels.
GHS posters are available to provide advance notice of upcoming changes at companies (available in English, French an German language).
You can download a PowerPoint presentation here for instruction purposes (only in German language). This presentation provides a brief explanation of the new pictograms and a short introduction to GHS.

Other products are available only in German (information about these products is available only in German language on this site).


Lagerung von Gefahrstoffen - DGUV I 213-084 und DGUV I 213-085 an TRGS 510 angepasst

Nach der Veröffentlichung der TRGS 510 (Lagerung von Gefahrstoffen in ortsbeweglichen Behältern) sind die Merkblätter M062 Lagerung von Gefahrstoffen (DGUV I 213-084) und M063 Lagerung von Gefahrstoffen – Häufig gestellte Fragen (DGUV Information 213-085) aktualisiert.